* One of the outstanding features of Cheltenham Township is the presence of historic buildings. These Township-owned buildings are on the National Register of Historic Places. What is the township's commitment to retaining and restoring Township-owned historic structures?
Click the links on the images or go to NRHP to learn more about these pieces of historic Cheltenham.
The Rowland House, Heller School and Glenside Memorial Hall are highlighted on our Historic Cheltenham page.
The LaMott Community Center is listed in the NRHP as part
of the LaMott Historic District.
for Community Pop Up Sessions with Architects KCBA and Re:Vision and Additional Meetings/Updates through 2023.
The Future of
Cheltenham Township Facilities
* As with other Township facilities, the Conklin and Glenside Township pools have long had their maintenance deferred by the Township. Once centralized pool and/or replacements for the existing pools was studied over 5 years ago.
(Note: The current concepts presented in the Facilities Study suggests a centralized pool and/or indoor pool.)
* Old or new all buildings require routine maintenance. How does the township plan to enhance and improve their maintenance schedule to address any current or potential problems that typically occur in any building?
* If one combined campus were to be built where would it be?
(Note: Sites that have been suggested by the Facilities Study are Penrose Ave and Wall Park.)
* If buildings are modified or new buildings erected but old inefficient and ineffective workflows and processes continue, we will still face some of the same issues that we have now. The issues are more than the buildings. Has there or will there be an organized focused evaluation on how business is done and what modifications are needed to support workflow BEFORE modifications are determined?
* Has a People/Process/Technology framework been evaluated for the state of current efficiencies?
* Where is the Township in the development of an IT Infrastructure to support Township operations?
* Are there ill-defined procedures and functions that are expensive to operate or resource intensive? What can be automated?
* Why are there so many paper records? How can these files be stored safely on a server or in the cloud? How can these processes be automated with a management software solution?
Link to Public Works Committee Agendas/Minutes/Videos that meets the first Wednesday of each month at 7:30 pm.
Link to Public Affairs Committee Agendas/Minutes/Videos that meets the second Tuesday of each month at 8 pm.
The Library Board meets the fourth Wednesday of each month at 7 pm. (Visit the Township Calendar for meeting information and links.)
Link to list of Board, Committee, and Commission Meetings
Continued discussion on the fate of our buildings/facilities occurs at the Public Works Committee , Public Affairs Committee and the Library Board . You can currently attend these meetings remotely through Zoom.
Here are some important questions to consider.
As part of the Five Year Financial Plan (FYFP) the Township is discussing the future of Township-owned buildings and facilities. All Township-owned buildings are under scrutiny. Options include selling, repurposing, replacing, or repairing/improving these capital assests and centralizing some services. Public awareness and participation is vital in this process. Several presentations on current facility conditions document the result of years of deferred maintenance. Below are links to the September 2021 meetings and presentations.Click here for later meetings and updated events.
cheltenham chamber of citizens
The LaMott Community Center and the Rowland Community Center have been closed due to boiler and other safety concerns since 2020. The libraries housed there have been opened intermittently since. Glenside Memorial Hall has been unavailable for rental for some time.